Multigenerational homes are households that have two or more adult generations living together. This can be adult children living with their parents or elderly parents moving in to live with adult children and their families. Census data between 1971 and 2021 shows that the number of people living in multigenerational homes has quadrupled. The reasons for choosing this arrangement can be practical, like financial factors and family caregiving needs. But there are other factors like emotional dimensions and cultural traditions.
In 2020 during the pandemic, there was a surge of families opting for multigenerational living. With schools closed, the need for child care at home increased, and working parents found it more difficult. Multigenerational homes might have the benefit of more adults taking care of children. Prebuilt homes may be designed for a single-family, but a custom home can be built to facilitate multigenerational living. Existing homes can be remodeled or renovated. Even if it is not needed now, designing a new home that can be easily modified to accommodate a multigenerational family in the future is a good idea. A custom home builder like Sterling Creek Builders in Fredericksburg, Texas, can help design the perfect home to keep multiple generations happy and safe under the same roof.
Some things to be given importance when thinking of a custom-built home for multigenerational households
To ensure the independence and comfort of different members, accessibility is important. The abilities, limitations, and needs of children and aged family members must be considered. This is especially important in frequently used areas like the bathroom, kitchen, and living room. Having wider doors will ensure that walking aids or wheelchairs can be used without hindrance. Height-adjustable furniture can be bought if new furniture is being purchased, which will come in handy in the future. Functional design must be done keeping in mind that aged individuals may not be able to use stairs always.
Main Floor Living
When a family shares a home make sure to include main floor living for everyone so that life is easier, and accessibility is ensured for all. Having the master room or primary suite for adults on the main floor is beneficial, especially when there is an elderly person in the family. A custom home builder will ensure that a new home meets such requirements the homeowner communicates.
Open Floor Plans
Multigenerational homes are designed to foster closer relationships. A common area, like a great room, can be included. These are common areas with ample space to facilitate family members spending time together throughout the day. Open-concept plans can have spacious room designs that have adjoined outdoor living areas and large kitchens. These designs will provide space for formal and casual dining at home. They can also serve as work or private spaces as needed.
Spaces That Allow Privacy
One key element to living together harmoniously is members having privacy when they need it. This will enable private conversations or work calls. If space allows, having a dedicated living space for each generation is ideal. Multigenerational homes that are large enough can include a family room, a den, and a playroom so that different generations can be together, yet have private spaces.
Use Space Effectively
While multigenerational homes may be large, they also have more members. Every inch of space must be utilized effectively. Families must think of how to creatively use areas like basements, attics, and garages. Instead of these spaces being used purely as storage spaces, some innovative thinking can make them comfortable and cheery living spaces. Keeping homes clutter-free is very important to avoid wasting space.
Separate Entrances
New homes can be custom-built to have separate entrances that will provide autonomy and reduce chaos. The chances of multigenerational families having different schedules is greater. Separate entrances will ensure the night owls and party goers will not disrupt the sleep patterns of the early risers and school-age children and vice versa.
Customization In Bathrooms
While separate bathrooms for each person may not be possible in multigenerational homes, they can be as spacious as possible with some features that make them comfortable and safe for the users. Having showers or tubs that are accessible and safe is ideal. It is good to choose anti-slip flooring and install grab bars. Children can have drawers or specific containers to store their accessories that they can reach and look colorful and fun. If space and the floor plan allow, a custom home can even include a Jack and Jill bathroom that children can share.
Natural Light
Homes must be designed to let in natural light as much as possible. This gives warmth and light and maintains health. It is also an environment-friendly measure that can help save on electric bills.
Highly Customized Options
For homeowners with highly-specific demands, enough space, and finances, the custom home can be a duplex, split level home, or acreage home. A custom home builder can help families design a home that checks all the items on the wishlist and can be constructed on the land available.
Multigenerational homes can be a great solution for many families' caregiving problems, and they can be money-savers. It can also be a positive atmosphere that reduces stress and forges strong relationships. A well-designed custom home can maximize these benefits while limiting the problems that usually arise from living in close quarters. Sterling Creek Builders is a custom home builder in Fredericksburg, Texas that can help families build their dream home or remodel existing homes to create the perfect abode. They can be contacted via email at or at (325) 219-5155.